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Energy efficiency in Barcelona thanks to new photovoltaic plant

The Bank Card Personalisation Centre of the Thales Banking unit, located in Parets del Vallès, is an example of energy efficiency. In recent years it has implemented different actions and processes with the premise of reducing the energy used to personalise a card.

Following this line of action, the company decided in 2022 to invest in the installation of photovoltaic panels, as it had previously carried out various energy efficiency improvements and the plant was already prepared to consume 100% green and proximity energy. In this way, the transmission losses in the grid, inherent to the distribution system itself, could be reduced.

With this objective in mind, last year a 100kWp photovoltaic plant was installed, consisting of 214 latest generation 455Wp photovoltaic panels, which will enable 12% self-consumption, estimated on electricity consumption in 2021.

The energy generated will be used to supply the entire factory and a smaller percentage will be used to compensate surpluses. The compensation will be carried out during part of the weekends of the months with the most solar radiation, which is when the plant's energy consumption is also lower.

The installation of the photovoltaic panels is in line with Thales' corporate strategy to reduce CO2 emissions and use renewable energies in its daily activities.

This installation has been made possible in part thanks to funding from the European Regional Development Fund: Low Carbon Economy.