Thales in the UK engages with suppliers and supply chains from around the world, but around 70% of them are right here in the UK. Sourcing locally is just one of the ways we contribute sustainably to our economy and jobs market, including supporting Small Medium Enterprises.
We spend around £750 million a year with our suppliers. However, we do not just procure from them, we provide best in class development support to help them grow, improve and become more competitive.
Certifications, laws and regulations are critical to our operations at Thales in the UK, and we expect our suppliers to adhere to them with the same level of care.
United Nations Global Compact
We have been a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact initiative since 2003. It defines and implements social regulations to foster “a more beneficial relationship between business and society”. In line with the UN Global Compact commitments, we only work with reputable suppliers who support our ethical policies and values, and uphold our cultural commitments.
Supply Chain Solutions Framework
We support our suppliers to improve their capability and maturity, often using the SC21 Competitiveness Programme, which we have supported for many years. We are a sponsoring company of the Supply Chain Solutions Framework, in which SC21 now sits as the Competitiveness pillar. This is a simple access, cross sector programme led by industry through a partnership delivery model, facilitated with the Regional Aerospace Alliances (RAA) and Devolved Administrations (DA). It enables suppliers to improve their competitive performance, highlight opportunities to invest in innovation and digitalisation, as well as helping them understand how to progress towards their sustainability goals. We encourage all our suppliers to look at the benefits of SCSF, starting with the Baseline Assessment Tool.

Social Value
Thales UK seeks to leverage social value as a competitive advantage and a differentiator in delivering sustainable value to our customers and contributing positively to the economic sustainability of local communities.
Thales UK actions to support delivery of Social Value though our supply chain:
- Sustainability considered in all procurements.
- Framework implemented to cascade social value and sustainability requirements into our supply chains.
- Engagement with our suppliers to encourage innovation in response to social value needs and deliver increased social value from the supply chain.
- Training provided to relevant procurement resources and key suppliers in the delivery of social value.
As part of our “thinking globally acting locally” commitment Thales UK promotes supplier diversity and equality of opportunity in the supply chain.
We are increasing our engagement with small medium enterprises (SMEs), leveraging existing Thales and industry programmes to benefit SMEs.
What do SMEs/VCSEs/Diverse businesses need to know?

Categories of goods and services we procure:
- IS/IT & Support Services
- Systems and Equipment
- Mechanical
- Electronics
- Systems and Software Engineering and Customer Support Services
- General Expenses
Requirements for becoming supplier to Thales UK:
- An awareness of, and compliance to, the regulatory environment and standards in each of our markets: Defence, Aerospace, Security and Space.
- Commitment to Continuous Improvement of Cost, Quality, Delivery, possibly including membership of the ADS Supply Chain Solutions Framework and associated SC21 Competitiveness pillar, or equivalent programme.
- Cyber Security accreditation such as Cyber Essentials, Cyber Essentials Plus, ISO27001 or other equivalent national programmes.
- ISO9001 and / or AS9100 if working in the Aerospace sector.
- Willingness to sign the Thales Integrity and Corporate Responsibility Charter.
- Up to date Business Continuity Plan.
- Prompt Payment of their own supply chain in line with HMG regulations and/or the Prompt Payment Code
- Compliance to all required Trade Compliance regulations relevant to their business and their customers.
- Provision of Certificates of Conformity, Material Declaration Forms or equivalent demonstrating full transparency/traceability of the origins of all elements of the provided goods or services.
- Membership of EcoVadis as part of the IAEG (International Aerospace Environmental Group) ESG insights initiative to help drive sustainable improvements within supply chains.
- Membership of JOSCAR, the Aerospace, Defence and Security industry single repository for pre-qualification and compliance information, determines if a supplier is “fit for business”
- Membership of national or regional industry trade associations, such as ADS or manufacturing or technical associations such as MakeUK and/or techUK.
For queries, please contact our Procurement team at ThalesUKSupplier@uk.thalesgroup.com

Supplier Online where you can access the following:-
- Thales building a future we can all trust video
- Procurement Stakes
- Sustainable Procurement
- Cyber Resilience
- Key documents – Integrity and Corporate Responsibility Charter (ICRC), General Terms and Conditions of Purchase, Charter for Responsible Supplier Relations), Security Requirements, Generic Requirements Applicable to External Providers (GRAEP), Commitments for Sustainable Procurement.
- Latest News
- Collaborative Tools
Thales joined the IAEG (International Aerospace Environmental Group) ESG insights initiative powered by EcoVadis in June 2023. EcoVadis is the world’s most trusted global sustainability ratings company working with enterprises in every sector to help drive sustainable improvement within their supply chains. As such, we encourage all our suppliers to join Ecovadis. To register please visit - Thales (ecovadis.com)
Thales is also a member of JOSCAR, which the Aerospace, Defence and Security industry uses as a single repository for pre-qualification and compliance information. Using JOSCAR can determine if a supplier is “fit for business”, we therefore encourage all our suppliers to become members of JOSCAR. Visit JOSCAR : Hellios for more information.