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The purpose of these Terms of Use is to define the terms and conditions of access and use of the site (hereinafter the "Site").

The use of the Site is subject to compliance with these Terms of Use, which all users acknowledge that they accept unreservedly by the mere fact of accessing the said Site. Any user who does not wish to be bound by these Terms of Use must immediately renounce remaining on the Site and immediately cease using it.

Legal notice

The Site is published by Thales, a company with a capital of 617 825 739 euros and whose registered office is located at 4 rue de la Verrerie, 92190, Meudon, identified under the number 552 059 024 RCS Nanterre, which can be reached at +33 (0) 1 57 77 80 00 (hereinafter "Thales").

The Director of Publication is Ms. Peggy Nahmany.

The Site is hosted by IPPON, a “Société par Actions Simplifiée (SAS)”, whose registered office is located at 43-47, avenue de la Grande Armée, 75016 Paris France.

Copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property rights

This Site and its contents are protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property rights which are the property of Thales or third parties.

The reproduction and use of the elements of this Site (and any information incorporated therein such as, without limitation, articles, graphic images, photographs, diagrams, video recordings...) are authorised provided that :

  • this reproduction and use are strictly for information, non-commercial purposes within your organisation to enable you to get to know Thales better; and,
  • all mentions of origin and in particular copyright notices appear on any reproduction; and,
  • the elements and information are not modified in whole or in part and in any way whatsoever; and
  • any other right of reproduction and/or use is expressly prohibited.

In addition, some of the names mentioned may be protected by trademarks that are the property of Thales or third parties without necessarily mentioning this protection.

Warranty and liability exclusions

The elements of this Site are provided for general information purposes only and cannot be used as a basis for any transaction.

In particular, with regard to the financial information that may be provided on this Site, the only authentic reference is the French version of the document filed with the French financial markets authority (“Autorité des Marchés Financiers-AMF”), a document available from Thales' Investor Relations Department.

All or any of the information published on this Site is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement of third party rights.

Thales provides no guarantee as to the accuracy or completeness of the elements and/or information published on this Site.

Thales in no way guarantees uninterrupted access to this Site as well as the security of the Site and the absence of all viruses or other undesirable hosts (including in the elements of the Site and in the information incorporated therein).

The use of the elements of the Site and any information included therein as well as access to this Site are the sole responsibility of the user. Thales disclaims liability for any damage whatsoever, including without limitation direct and indirect damage that may result from access to this Site and the use of all or part of the elements or information contained therein.

Hypertext links

This Site may contain links to third party sites. These links are provided solely as a convenience to you and the inclusion of any link does not imply any endorsement of, or guarantee of, the materials on the linked sites. Access to these sites is the sole responsibility of the user.

Transmission of information by users

Any information or request for information that you may send to Thales via the Site or via the electronic mailbox to which the Site may provide access, is considered to be non-confidential.
You may also send your information or requests by post to the address of Thales' head office for the attention of the department identified in the corresponding section of this Site.


Thales may modify at any time and without prior notice the elements published on this Site or any information included therein.

Protection of personal data