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Connected crews on board

The terminal of the future - a Thales innovation still at the concept stage - opens up unique opportunities for crews on board ships. The Android terminal boosts overall efficiency and offers crew members with smartphones or tablets a familiar user experience, even for their operational communications. The new terminal concept is presented on the DCNS stand in a
version built into a combat system console, and on the Thales stand as part of the Aquilon communication system.

 What’s on the menu tonight? Which film is playing tomorrow? Where exactly are we right now? In the future, thanks to the terminal concept developed by Thales, ships’ crews will be able to access a whole range of multimedia services and applications as if they were in the comfort of their own home. Designed for integration with combat system consoles on the
future FTI medium-size frigates, the mobile version of this Android terminal will also allow crews to make operational voice calls and send photos and even videos easily with Android smartphones and tablets.

If a broken part needs to be replaced or repaired, simply send a photo to the mechanic so they know what to expect and which tools to bring. If authorised, crew members will also be able  to watch helicopters taking off on deck or geolocate the ship precisely from their terminals. A whole range of applications will enable them to work more effectively and make their lives easier—with the terminal of the future, life on board is about to become much simpler!