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Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)

Cloud Connect Encryptor: High-Performance Data Security - Infographic

Discover Senetas' Cloud Connect Encryptor for high-performance encryption ensuring secure data movement to, from, and within the cloud.

Post-Quantum Readiness Begins with Crypto Agility - Solution Brief

With quantum computers set to break traditional encryption, you need to take measures to protect your data now. Harvest now, decrypt later (HNDL) attacks where cyber attackers collect and store…

Identity Verification

Luna HSM Encryption for Mitsubishi Electric Sanda Works - Case Study

Cars continue to evolve. Electric vehicles, automatic driving (AD), and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) are now common in society. Companies are also producing software-defined vehicles (…


Data security use cases. Discover all of our customers, we have had the pleasure of working with.

KuppingerCole Executive View 2023: Thales OneWelcome Identity Platform

This KuppingerCole Executive View looks at the Consumer Identity and Access Market and the key capabilities of vendors in this space. A technical review of the Thales OneWelcome Identity Platform is…

Revolutionizing Coronary Diagnostics AI with Sentinel EMS - Case Study

Korean AI Medic provides medical device software for diagnosing coronary artery disease based on cardiac CT scans. Their products are AutoSeg, which uses AI to provide auto-segmentation of the heart…

CloudNine Litigation Support Software with Thales Sentinel - Case Study

Single Sign-On (SSO) Solutions