For more than 30 Years, Jeff has held senior management and governance positions in Australia, Asia and Europe. He has broad B2B and B2G experience supplying customers with technology based product, systems, solutions and services which drive sustainable outcomes through operational efficiency and global competitiveness.
He passionately advocates development of ‘home grown’ Australian , future oriented capabilities in advanced manufacturing, engineering, innovative technology and use inspired research.
He has played an integral role in driving Industry 4.0 adoption in Australia, Chairing the Prime Minister’s Industry 4.0 Taskforce – and was recognised for his contribution via his Adjunct Professorship at Swinburne University of Technology.
Jeff recently Chaired the Federal Government’s University Research Commercialisation Taskforce and is currently a Panel member tasked with proposing the framework for an overarching long term NSW Industry Policy.
He is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, National Australian Industry Group Victorian Branch Council President and National Director, Director of the European Australian Business Council.
On his move to Thales Australia Jeff said, “I was compelled by the extent of Thales’s existing advanced manufacturing footprint in Australia and the application of technologies that go to the heart of the defence of our nation”.
Previous Activities included:
State Advisory Council President and National Director of Committee for Economic Development Australia (CEDA), Chairman German Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Member of the Australian German Advisory Group, Member of the Victorian Government's Future Industries Advisory Group.
Originally from Melbourne, Jeff is a graduate of the University of Melbourne, is an Adjunct Professor at Swinburne University and Doctor of Engineering (hc) at University of Technology Sydney.