Last updated May 2023
Can you imagine being able to play games on your commute using the cloud? Or watching a 360° video on YouTube in immersive 8K on your phone?
With ever-developing 5G technology, this reality gets closer every day. The commercial rollout of 5G is well underway, and it is predicted that by the end of 2025, there will be over two billion 5G users, showing the scale and success of the technology.
It has been ten years since the introduction of 4G and its speed, latency, security and compatibility. 5G was created to build on and improve all of these, with a very high speed (20 times faster than 4G). Coupled with enhanced latency (data transmission time between the source and recipient), interactions are more stable and can occur in near-perfect real-time.
Read this infographic to find out why you should choose 5G. You can also view this infographic as a PDF here.

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