Training for the air domain is a complex challenge. Demands of rapidly changing and diverse operational requirements and the impact of evolving aircraft and mission systems technologies drive the need for flexible training solutions that improve mission readiness.
Thales delivers virtual individual and collective training for Air Forces. Leveraging maximum operational value from our broad experience as a provider of real mission systems and aircraft systems, Thales offers innovative solutions.
Thales delivers virtual individual and collective training for Air Forces. Leveraging maximum operational value from our broad experience as a provider of real mission systems and aircraft systems, Thales offers innovative solutions.
Thales provides training systems and training services, from spares and repairs through to fully equipped and staffed training centres:
- Computer Based Training
- Targeted Fidelity Devices
- High Fidelity Devices
- Training Services
The objective is to improve knowledge of trainees at each transition to deliver “value for money” during each new step of training.