Just as we are starting to understand the real potential of the digital revolution, along comes the next one – this time driven by quantum technology. It will be highly disruptive, opening the floodgates to spectacular and bewildering applications that we can barely imagine right now. In this podcast, Marko Erman, Chief Scientific Officer at Thales, explores the fascinating world of quantum physics and explains how Thales is readying itself to lead the upcoming revolution from the front line.
Quantum technology and sovereignty

Marko Erman speaks about quantum technology and sovereignty, as well as how Europe compares with other world powers in that field.
Which quantum applications could emerge soon

Marko Erman tells us more about communications, cybersecurity and satellites, which could well be the next applications fields to use quantum technology in the not-too-distant future.
Quantum computing

Marko Erman explains what quantum computers are, how they differ from traditional computers and what practical benefits quantum computing will bring.
Episode 1: The new technological revolution

Join Marko Erman, Chief Scientific Officer at Thales, who explains that the next technological revolution - driven by quantum physics - will be incredibly disruptive, with profound consequences across many sectors and industries.