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Thales in the UK: Championing UK Supply Chain and Sustainability at DPRTE 2024

As Thales UK gears up for the Defence Procurement, Research, Technology & Exportability (DPRTE) 2024, our focus sharpens on the pivotal role we play within the UK supply chain. Our engagement at DPRTE is not just an exhibition of our innovative capabilities but a reaffirmation of our commitment to the UK – investing in the local supply chain, driving innovation, advancing sustainable manufacturing practices, and ensuring the retention of highly skilled jobs within the nation.

Investing in the UK Supply Chain: A Commitment to Growth and Innovation

Thales in the UK recognises the immense value that a robust and innovative UK supply chain brings to our operations and to the nation's defence and security capabilities.

Our annual expenditure is approximately £750 million and 70% of it is with our suppliers based in the UK. This underscores our dedication to nurturing a vibrant ecosystem that thrives on collaboration and innovation. Our participation in DPRTE 2024 is a testament to this commitment, offering a unique opportunity to engage with current and potential partners who are essential to our mutual success.

Driving UK Innovation: A Partnership Approach

Our approach to innovation is collaborative, acknowledging that the most ground-breaking solutions often emerge from partnerships that combine diverse strengths and perspectives. By closely working with SMEs, VCSEs, mutuals, academia, and industry partners, we aim to foster an environment where innovation flourishes, addressing not only today's challenges but anticipating tomorrow's needs. In 2023 we delivered over 19,000 hours of volunteering to organisations in our local communities. This collaborative ethos is at the heart of our participation in DPRTE 2024, where we seek to explore new partnerships and strengthen existing ones, driving forward the UK's technological and manufacturing prowess.

Sustainable Manufacturing and Social Value: Towards a Greener Future

At Thales in the UK, sustainability is integral to our business strategy. We are committed to advancing sustainable manufacturing practices that not only reduce environmental impact but also deliver social value to the communities we serve. Through sponsoring the Supply Chain Solutions Framework in which SC21 now sits as the Competitiveness pillar and adherence to the United Nations Global Compact, we champion practices that enhance efficiency, innovation, and responsibility across our supply chain. Our presence at DPRTE 2024 will highlight these commitments and our efforts to contribute positively to the UK's economic sustainability and environmental stewardship.

Thales has recently joined the Climate A-List drawn up by CDP, confirming its place among the companies that are leading the way today in environmental transparency and performance on climate change. 

Ensuring the Retention of Highly Skilled Jobs

The defence sector is a crucial driver of high-skilled employment in the UK. Thales UK is proud to be at the forefront of creating and retaining these vital roles, ensuring that the UK remains competitive on the global stage. By investing in our people, from apprenticeships to continuous professional development, we are not just building a workforce for today but nurturing the talent that will lead us into the future. Our engagement with the UK supply chain at DPRTE 2024 underscores this commitment, showcasing our role in safeguarding the nation's industrial and technological base.

Join Us at DPRTE 2024

As we prepare for DPRTE, we invite you to join us in forging a future that is secure, innovative, and sustainable. Together, we can explore opportunities for collaboration on projects that not only drive technological advancement but also make a meaningful difference to the nation. Visit us at DPRTE to discuss how we can work together to strengthen the UK's defence and security, champion sustainability, and ensure the prosperity of our communities.

Thales UK is not just participating in DPRTE; we are there to connect, collaborate, and contribute to a future where the UK stands resilient, innovative, and forward-looking. Come and see us to discuss working together on projects that matter to the nation.

Visit the event website here: DPRTE 2024