The International Air Transport Association (IATA) expects 7.8 billion passengers to travel by 2036, a near doubling of the 4 billion air travelers in 2017. The competition to attract passengers is fierce, and the need for innovation and differentiation is stronger than ever.
The Threat of Commoditization
Today, there is a threat of commoditization in the airline industry. Airlines could become seat resellers, while the on board passenger experience could be provided by someone else.
The legacy of the IFE (In-Flight Entertainment) industry is mostly about the movie experience and the number of movies on your screen. While connectivity is bringing a disruption that enables streaming and personalized experience, by itself it is not enough. We need disruptive technologies and new business models to provide differentiation through passenger experience.
Richard Perrot, VP of Marketing and Product Policy for Thales InFlyt Experience.
The InFlyt 360 digital platform is designed to do just that.
The Power of InFlyt360
InFlyt 360 incorporates the latest in Big Data technologies and machine learning to continuously optimize the passenger experience while providing airlines a complete Inflyt Entertainment ecosystem customizable to their business goals and their brand.
Regardless of what brand strategy an airline has chosen, they all believe data and the ability to continuously learn and adjust is fundamental to success
Richard Perrot