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Thales to supply seven additional Ground Master 200 Multi-Mission Compact radars for the Dutch Ministry of Defence

  • COMMIT (Command Materiel and IT), the Dutch military procurement organisation, signed an agreement with Thales for the delivery of seven Ground Master 200 Multi- Mission/Compact (GM200 MM/C) with two radars in option.
  • This contract is in addition to 9 ​ GM200 MM/C radar systems previously contracted in 2019 - and the first radar of the series was officially launched with the Ministry of Defence 14 February 2024.
  • Highly tactical and mobile, the GM200 MM/C enables superior situational awareness and operational excellence through the 4D AESA1 and dual axis multibeam technologies, with fire support and weapon location capabilities, providing simultaneous accurate detection, tracking and classification against all current and future threats on the modern battlefield, including Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV).

1Active Electronically Scanned Array

First Ground Master 200 Multi-Misson Compact radar recently presented to Dutch Ministry of Defence ©Thales
First Ground Master 200 Multi-Misson Compact radar recently presented to Dutch Ministry of Defence ©Thales


Command Materiel and IT (COMMIT), the Dutch military procurement organisation, has signed an agreement for the acquisition of seven additional Thales Ground Master 200 Multi-Mission Compact radars (GM200 MM/C), with an option of two additional systems. The contract follows nine GM 200 MM/C radars previously ordered in 2019.

Troops today face a multitude of ever-evolving threats in the battlefield, including advancements in the area of indirect fire (observation, range, speed, accuracy), threatening a radars’ capacity to detect targets in a very short time span while potentially becoming a target itself. To protect high-value assets and troops, Thales offers time-on-target solutions from the Ground Master 200 Multi-Mission family – radars that are able to detect smaller, faster, more agile targets at longer ranges, while retaining a very high tactical mobility and a very short deployment time

Most flexible radar on the market

Designed for modern multi-mission warfare, the GM200 MM/C is one of most flexible radars on the market today, offering radar operators with more time-on-target in order to gather as much information on incoming threats as possible. Featuring new-generation 4D Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) technology and unique ‘dual-axis multi-beam’ technology, providing unrestricted flexibility in elevation and bearing, it offers excellent theatre protection.

Detection of drones, missiles and aircrafts

The radar automatically provides simultaneous detection, tracking and classification of multiple UAVs, RAM (Rockets, Artillery and Mortar), missiles, aircraft as well as helicopters and is particularly suited to weapon locating, air surveillance and air defence. In addition, the compact design of the GM200 MM/C provides extremely high mobility, very short deployment times and ease of transportation on any platform according to the environment it will be in operation.

For the Dutch Forces the radar system is placed on a vehicle, the Scania Gryphus truck, thanks to fast encamp, and decamp times, the radar is highly tactical and mobile. Upon arrival at destination, the GM200 MM/C can be operational within a minute and be gone just as fast.

Product launch and presentation

Thales launched the first of the series GM200 MM/C last month to the Dutch Ministry of Defence. Its success relies in part on its strong design, created in close cooperation with the Dutch army. Their field expertise and Thales’ world-class engineering ensures that the radar fits all the operational needs of a modern military force. The system, closely developed with the Dutch Army, offers an answer to both traditional and new threats, including drones. Fast and early detection is key to staying ahead and protecting sovereignty and valuable assets, enabled through a range of up to 400 kilometres.

Jarno Ursum project manager at COMMIT: “The Dutch ministry of Defence has great confidence in the capabilities of this new radar. With this additional procurement we continue the strong cooperation with Thales that has been basis for the development of this radar.”

Gerben Edelijn, CEO of Thales Netherlands: "We greatly appreciate that the Royal Dutch Armed forces confirmed their trust in the GM200 MM/C by acquiring 7 more systems, with two in option. Thales is proud to support the safety and security of military personnel, and to contribute to the air sovereignty of European NATO nations.”

Note to editors:

Ground Master 200 Multi Mission Family

The Ground Master 200 Multi Mission family (GM200 MM) is the new generation of Thales’ medium range ground radar including Thales 4D AESA and dual axis multi-beam technologies. It benefits from Thales GM200 and NS100/200 technology background and many years fielded experience of more than 20 user groups.

The GM200 MM exists in two different mobile versions:

The Ground Master 200 Multi Mission “compact” version (GM200 MM/C) is a pallet version offering higher tactical mobility and quicker deployment, as well as specific mission capabilities such as artillery Counter Battery and Weapon Locating. It also suits well VSHOR/SHORAD missions as its GM200 MM/A brother.

The Ground Master 200 Multi Mission “all in one” (GM200 MM/A) targeting mainly Air Surveillance as well as GBAD operations (up to low level MRAD). It maintains the well-known GM200 integrated C2 shelter and facilitates space for the radar mast to gain elevation for low level air surveillance and 2 operators on board.

Both versions are easy to transport, optimized for network centric remote operations, and ultimately save time in planning, training and operation.

4D AESA family

Thales’ scalable and upgradable antenna architecture is the core of Thales’ new medium- and long-range 4D AESA radar family (NS50, NS100/200, SM400, APAR, GM200 MM, SMART-L MM, Sea Fire and Ground Fire).

The full digital & software-defined 4D AESA radar technology offers upgrade capacity over the whole life cycle to maintain the tailored operational capability against evolving threats, including enhanced tracking & classification performance.

Camille Heck, Thales, Media Relations Land & Naval Defence
+33 (0)6 73 78 33 63
Alice Pruvot, Head of Media Relations, Aeronautics & Defense
+33 7 70 27 11 37
Job Van Harmelen - Thales in the Netherlands
+31 (0)6 100 88 211