Signalling 2020 - Train-centric Signalling Systems
Today's main line signalling systems are based on interlockings, an overlay of ETCS Level 1 or Level 2 and a Traffic Management System. In our vision this system structure will evolve significantly.
In addition to the existing overlay-oriented architecture we will introduce a new train-centric approach to further improve performance with reduced life cycle costs. To ensure the performance and efficiency of the signalling system of the future, Thales brings customers the know-how of the entire Group, combining world class R&D with deep knowledge in cyber security, satellite positioning, communications and avionics.
Our signalling system is structured into a core with the vital signalling part and the Traffic Management System including network management features. This ensures operational performance and business efficiency, today and in the future.
Vital Train Signalling solutions
Our evolutionary Vital Train Signalling solutions (ViTrainS ©) address all market segments, from pure interlocking application, with ETCS Leve1 or ETCS Level 2 overlay solutions up to ETCS Level 3. Whichever solution our customers want to start with, ViTrainS offers the possibility for future smooth evolution to higher ETCS levels to safeguard initial investment. In this way we provide a balanced portfolio addressing individual business objectives. Our interoperable and mature solutions protect investments and safeguard continuous business operation. The seamless introduction of innovations and improvements for ETCS Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 helps to achieve further business parameter improvements, and to ensure comfortable, seamless travel for passengers and efficiency gains for freight operators.
Digital ready
The intelligent traffic management solution provides substantial decision support and adaptable automation capabilities. It is proven in use and digital ready. The innovative system allows railway operators to optimise throughput and performance based on adaptable, performance-indicator-driven criteria – from small to large networks and from proven functionality up to cutting-edge optimisation algorithms. It provides seamless control of the often diverse underlying signalling systems and integration with a huge variety of neighbouring systems. Additionally, it can be easily adapted to a variety of operational requirements with a proven record of operating hours achieved during successful operation in more than 15 countries. Its scalable functionality and regional coverage fulfil rising needs while safeguarding investments.
With our smooth migration scenarios Thales is a reliable partner, accompanying your business development to ensure that you meet your objectives.