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East Timor government goes live with Gemalto’s electronic passport solution

​Singapore, June 6, 2017 - Gemalto (Euronext NL0000400653 GTO), the world leader in digital security, partners with the East Timor government to start issuing state-of-the-art electronic passports (ePassports) to its citizens. The complete solution comprises the ICAO-compliant ePassports and a suite of capabilities such as easy enrollment, biometric data capture, de-duplication of redundant biometric information, disaster and data recovery, as well as a full turnkey public key infrastructure and secure issuance of the document. All these features work together to ensure increased security and protection of personal data. Gemalto and its local partner, Visi Mitra Unipessoal Lda, provide support and maintenance services. KOMSCO has been subcontracted to manufacture the passport booklet. 

​East Timor, also known as The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, is a country in Southeast Asia and an independent nation since 2002. The local government is investing in modernization to enhance services to its citizens. With Gemalto's end-to-end solution, authorities can register ePassport applicants, capture their fingerprints at selected offices and embassies, and issue travel documents using the latest digital security technologies. The ePassports are made of polycarbonate datapages that are embedded with a secure contactless microprocessor and eTravel software for high-end security and durability. Citizens can enjoy a speedy application process and issuance as well as seamless border crossing.

"We now have the capability to issue a more secure ICAO-compliant ePassport so that our citizens can avoid any inconvenience at the borders," said Ivo Valente, the Minister of Justice of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. "Gemalto's one-stop solution allows us to migrate to the latest electronic travel documents with ease and confidence. It works with all major printers, and for both centralized and decentralized issuance. East Timor citizens can now travel anywhere around the world, with unprecedented levels of security and privacy. "

"Gemalto strongly supports the ICAO's Traveler Identification Program (TRIP). Our solution is designed with multiple layers of security, from data collection and booklet production to ePassport issuance and use at the borders," said Ng Fook-Seng, Senior Vice Pres​​ident Government Programs, Asia, Gemalto. "As a leading supplier of over 30 national ePassport solutions worldwide, and experts of both documents and related solutions, Gemalto is please to support East Timor to jump on to the next-generation electronic passports and secure the entire chain of trust for a safer travel experience."

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