Cobham Aerospace Communications is now a Thales company
Since April 2 2024, Cobham Aerospace has been an entity of the Thales Group.
You will now find all audio/radio, satcom, antennas, lighting, clocks, IHM solutions within the Thales portfolio, either for purchase or maintenance.
Moreover, all brands previously acquired by Cobham Aerospace are now managed by Thales. These include:
- Air Précision, GTE, Team, SMS, Nec Aero, and Chelton Antennas in France
- Thrane & Thrane Aero in Denmark and the United States
- Comant Industries in the United States
- Satori Air Services in Canada
- Omnipless in South Africa
- Cobham Aerospace Communications
Please feel free to contact us using the forms below if:
- You are looking for a connectivity solution, lighting, antenna or any other solution previously proposed by Cobham Aerospace
- You are operating equipment from one of the former Cobham Aerospace companies and need help and support
- You want to join an entity of the ex-Cobham Aerospace company
- You wish to contact us on any other topic
General terms of sales here: Terms and conditions | Aerospace communications | Thales Group