New research shows that sea ice in the Arctic Ocean has shrunk to its lowest winter extent since satellite records began more than 35 years ago. What’s going on in the Arctic – and what does it mean for security in the region?
Tore Supra is a French tokamak that allows researchers to test critical parts of equipment such as plasma facing wall components or superconducting magnets.
Thales Avionics Technical Director Bruno Nouzille looks at the new challenges facing the aerospace sector and tells us what Thales is doing to address them.
The upshot of installing the best possible IFEC technology is that airlines can derive more revenue, either by selling connectivity or offering ancillary products and travel services through state- of-the-art IFEC system.
Whilst within the organisation, our people are quite comfortable with the pronunciation; to many it is a conundrum worthy of the Greek philosopher with whom the company shares its name.