Being a responsible company
Governance, Ethics, Integrity and Compliance
For more than 20 years, Thales has pursued a strong corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy based on the highest international standards, close cooperation with the company’s stakeholders and commitments supported by the Group’s highest governance bodies.
This policy is fully aligned with the company’s purpose, newly adopted in 2020: “Building a future we can all trust”.
Corporate Governance
Engaging with our stakeholders
Setting the bar high on integrity and compliance
Incorporating CSR principles all along the value chain

Thales signed the United Nations Global Compact in 2003 and is among the 5% of companies that achieve the highest level of reporting, having met the Advanced criteria for the ninth consecutive year in 2020.

In 2021, Thales received the Supplier relations and Sustainable procurement Label, which is awarded to companies that maintain balanced and sustainable relationships with their suppliers.

In 2020, extra-financial rating agencies MSCI and EthiFinance (Gaïa Rating) graded Thales’s CSR policy AA (for the fifth year running) and 83/100 respectively, underscoring the Group’s consistent efforts on this front.
Key documents
PDF - 462 Ko Certificat ISO 37001 THALES SA - 27052024.pdf
PDF - 421 Ko List of non-french companies held by Thales
PDF - 286 Ko Digital ethics charter
PDF - 465 Ko Code of Ethics
PDF - 854 Ko Integrity and Corporate Responsibility Charter
PDF - 414 Ko Commitments for Sustainable Procurement