Short range IFF interrogator
Unique Mode 5 certified Shorad / Very Shorad Interrogator
Lightest worldwide solution for MANPADS
More than 2000 Units sold
Integrated on a large number of A/D systems (Stinger/avenger, RBS-70, Mistral/Atlas, etc)
If you wish to learn more, please read our leaflet.
TSA 1410-1U Manpads and V/Shorad Interrogator
- Installed on Stinger, Mistral/Atlas, Anza, MCP/MPCV, FN6, Pantsir
- Smallest Shorad IFF interrogator in the world
Mode 5 US DOD-AIMS certified (TSA 1412)
Rotating or pointed antenna
- Size: 170x89x239 mm
- Weight: less than 1.8 kg
- Crypto appliqué (KIV-77 or others)
TSA 1420-2U V/Shorad and Merad Interrogator
- Dedicated to Shorad Air surveillance applications
- MIL-STD 1553B interface
- Rotating or pointed antenna
- Qualified on Starstreak, RBS70, Giraffe
Mode 5 US DOD-AIMS certified (TSA 1422)
- Size (WxHxD): 170x120x161 mm
- Weight: 3 kg
- Crypto appliqué (KIV-77 or others)
To enquire about our solutions, please use our dedicated contact form.