ULIS (Unified Lawful Interception Suite) is a comprehensive system for transparently intercepting real-time information from voice, data and multimedia communications over any type of network while implementing the highest security standards.
ULIS allows Communication Services Providers/ Mobile network Operators to fulfill their lawful intercept regulatory obligations while enhancing their capability to support new data speeds and throughput associated with 5G.
Today deployed within 40 countries and 90 customers, ULIS offers a global solution to intercept any kind of telecommunications services. It is integrated with all major network equipment and monitoring facility providers. It is compliant with 3GPP and ETSI* Lawfull Interception standards.
(*) ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute
- Fulfil your lawful interception obligations with Ulis
Thanks to its scalable solution, compliant with the standards and already integrated with the major network equipment providers, you can efficiently answer your lawful interception needs. From legacy voice services to high speed internet access over fix or mobile networks, ULIS covers any kind of telecommunication services until 5G networks and highest throughput. It provides solution fully integrated with network elements but can also propose probe based (passive) solutions when preferable.
- Simplify your lawful interception solution and operations
ULIS can be your central point for all lawful interception activities and for all your networks. It can either manage all your networks directly or serve as an Umbrella manager for other mediation systems. Moreover, ULIS experts can help you design the best solution according to your architecture.
- Reduce capex and opex costs
ULIS solution is based on off-the-shelf hardware and modular. It protects your investment as you grow in capacity or add more networks to intercept. It is ready for 5G and virtualization.
All ULIS elements (ADMF, MDF2/MDF3, probes and LEMF simulator) share the same architecture and the same operational processes. They are easy to configure, easy to install and to upgrade, reducing the operational costs and learning curve.
IMC / Centralized Interception Management Center
LIP / Lawful Interception Probes/Proxies
LIG / Lawful Interception Gateways
IRI / Intercept Related Information
CC/ Content of Communication
A Trusted, long term partner
(with local & telecom skills)
Thales has been providing mediation systems to its customers for the last 25 years, it is deployed worldwide. ULIS team is composed of network experts who actively participate to ETSI and 3GPP standards and can provide strong support to design and deployment of the LawfuI Interception solution. Moreover, Thales worldwide presence can offer you a local commercial and 24/7 technical support.
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