Air SatCom Solutions
Designed to meet the unique demands of airborne operations, our solution offers unwavering connectivity, even in the most challenging aerial environments. With our advanced SatCom terminals, aircrafts, rotary-wing and UAVs stay linked to command centers, ground crews, and other vital assets, ensuring seamless coordination and real-time data exchange. Benefit from secure and reliable communication capabilities that enable valuable insights, enhanced situational awareness, and efficient mission execution.
Air SatCom Brochure
Enabling high data rates communications in military and commercial Ka-band for sensitive operations, FlySAT is characterized by its compactness and easiness of integration on military and government heavy carriers (MRTT, A400M, AWACS, ...). FlySAR benefits from a multi-modem capability, one of them being commercial and therefore providing additional coverage and throughput. As for the Modem 21 AIR COMPACT, it brings strong protection to communications as well as resilience to jamming. Find out in our Air SatCom brochure the key features of our FlySAT and Modem 21 AIR COMPACT solutions that provide highly available, secure and resilient connectivity.
Modem 21 AIR and AIR COMPACT are Thales's airborne satcom IP modems. They provide high data rate, secure and resilient Satcom communications for a wide range of manned or unmanned, fixed - or rotary - wing aircraft.
FlySAT is a compact airborne Satcom terminal covering the military and commercial Ka band Spectrum. Associated to the Modem 21 AIR COMPACT, FlySAT Associé au modem 21 AIR COMPACT, FlySAT provides resilient communication for airborne forces in operation.
White Paper Air Satcom
Given ever increasing in-flight connectivity needs (collaborative combat, Manned-Unmanned Teaming and UAVs), satellite communications (Satcom) offer a crucial additional connectivity in all theaters of operation. Due to their networkd extension capability and their resilience, SatCom provide decisive advantages in operations : speeding up the OODA loop, piloting of UAVs from any point on the globe or transmitting orders directly to the operator without an intermediary, are illustrations of this. Find out in our White paper how Thales's Air SatCom solutions provide highly available, secure and resilient connectivity.