The new generation of 68mm Induction Rocket Systems delivers deep protection and attack solutions to developed armed forces. It offers a joint capability through multiple air and ground platform solutions: helicopters, fixed-wing jets, light aircraft, UAV, vehicles, UGV… The 68mm IRS also presents land or naval launch options.
The 68mm IRS permits a large mission spectrum, with a high flexibility, including sea-based and heavy rotation missions. Its laser-guided warhead guarantees low collateral damage. The IRS is also qualified for up to 100 hours of flight time. The system’s Induction technology offers an insensitive advantage and brings a completely new level of safety and rapid integration.
Its completely new design reduces firing dispersion and its simplified launchers loading system limits its logistic footprint. The IRS’s digital interface prevents its use by others as an IED on the battlefield.
A qualification is also to be carried on French Navy ships, which will allow them to be embarked in particular on French helicopter carriers.