Are you providing a smooth payment experience for your online customers that turns into purchases?
See how Card-on-File Tokenization can help you in every part of your customers’ buying journeys, including improving your conversion rate.
Jordan McKee, Fintech contributor
EMV Tokenization offers a game-changer: the opportunity for eMerchants to deploy a proven solution that delivers a marked and measurable improvement in their transaction approval rates.
The result is fewer lost transactions; fewer lost customers and fewer losses to CLV. In addition, EMV Tokenization supports functionality such as automatic card renewal, eliminating the potential cost and disruption that occurs when a customer’s card expires or is lost or stolen.
The message is clear for eCommerce and other business models built around CoF.
With EMV Tokenization, it is possible to address one of the last remaining obstacles to an elegant end-to-end customer journey - and realize the financial benefits of reductions in online fraud and false declines.
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