Security is still a major concern for Card Not Present (CNP) transactions and can make a difference when selecting a new payment card.
Discover our range of display cards:
- The Thales Gemalto display payment card (6-digit LCD and optional keypad) - This display card combines all regular debit/credit card applications with one-time passwords for online authentication.
- The Thales Gemalto Dynamic Code Verification card. The e-paper display at the back replaces the static three-digit code zone and automatically generates a new CVV code.
Online payment and security
Consumers are increasingly getting concerns about media reports about internet hacking scams and data breaches.
The weakest link in the payment chain
Thales is leading the battle to deliver secure payment card technology that strengthens security while remaining simple to use.
Taking Gemalto Dynamic Code Card as an example, it turns out to be a powerful differentiator for issuers operating in a crowded market.
- 78% of cardholders would like their bank to offer it to them.
- 67% of cardholders say they would use it instead of other cards. (Source: Thales Consumer Research Project, 2015).
Right! This can significantly boost card spending.
More resources to mitigate fraud
- Gemalto’s Dynamic Code Verification Suite - a complete card-not-present security solution based on a payment display card, a mobile solution, and a validation server.
- Biometric payment cards
- Banking Tokens (OTP Authentication and Signature Devices)
- Mobile authentication solutions
- Authentication server for online banking
- Digital banking risk assessment and fraud prevention services
- PKI, three-factor authentication token (3FA), and WYSIWYS solutions (what you see is what you sign) for Corporate banking